Soaring Spirits offers mentoring and therapy programs to adults and children through our horses. Many times breakthroughs are had when the setting is changed from the ordinary counseling office to the outdoors. People put up a front of what they want other people to see — horses have an ability to see through that front and mirror a person’s personality through themselves. Through the horse mentoring program, people learn about themselves — or as Miraval Life founder Wyatt Webb says, “…today is not about discovering who you are. It’s about remembering who you are.” Children and adults become conditioned based on their life experiences, and using the horses helps them re-condition themselves — and make improvements.
We offer workshops and ongoing counseling sessions. Please contact us for more information.
Soaring Spirits also offers therapy for the physically handicapped. Because horseback riding is a similar movement of the human gait, riders with physical disabilities show marked improvements when horseback riding becomes part of their exercise program. The rider’s body experiences movements which exercise certain muscles that they otherwise would not experience — except on horseback. In addition to the physical improvements, bonding with a horse can help their mental well-being.
Please contact us for more information.
Who Can Therapy Help?
Some issues that can be helped by using horses for therapy include, but are not limited to:
Behavioral issues
Attention deficit disorder
Substance abuse
Eating disorders
Abuse issues
Relationship problems
Communication needs
Muscular Dystrophy
Cerebral Palsy
Downs Syndrome
Emotional Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Multiple Sclerosis